這陣子也是H1N1風聲鶴唳的時期, 所有學生上課一律都得戴口罩.
今天出門前,在家裡也量過了, 家裡兩光的耳溫槍量出來是38.x, 大人們都尖叫.
我們想用賭的, 就讓小孩給學校的額溫槍測試.
尚恩沒出狀況, 下午就到安親班.





以下新聞來自:【TVBS前線報告】馬式災害防救署 被批是「做半套」
李 鴻源:「主要橋樑的蒐集,所有的國土的所有的資訊的蒐集,平常都要蒐集地清清楚楚,這個防災總署還規定什麼呢?規定所有的救災程序,什麼時候成立前進指揮 所,前進指揮所誰該坐鎮,中央政府該扮演什麼角色,地方政府該扮演什麼角色,所以這樣子的話,那從第1天、第2天、第7天,到1個月、2個月,所有的標準 作業程序,全都做出來。」
相關新聞:不能及時指揮調度 層級不變 災防署何用
相關新聞:馬:設災害防救署 取代消防署
實 地採訪莫拉克颱風肆虐所造成的災害,《紐約時報》記者安德魯.約克布(Andrew Jacobs)已經替馬英九開出了死亡證明書,宣告馬英九政治生命的終結。在〈颱風後台灣總統成為怒火的箭靶〉的報導中,他認為這場颱風「已經轉而成為馬 先生政治生涯起落(make or break)的試煉」;雖用「起落」,著重的是「落」,標題就點明了主旨。用通俗一點的話來詮釋,南台灣的土石流已然成為馬英九的土石流了。
美國有線電視台(CNN)一定大開了眼界。早在莫拉克形成之際,CNN就預先警告台灣要預防大洪水與土石流,但也不吝讚美台灣的能力,指出台灣防颱措施一 向周全,嚴整的面對颱風,「好像古巴很會對付颶風般,台灣也很會對付颱風。」天可憐見的是,這兩項報導全在馬英九身上摃龜了。馬英九麻木不仁於前,全無應 變救災的準備,結果死人無數,更嚴酷的是,過去防颱的績效碰到馬英九就毀於一旦,馬英九砸了台灣好不容易建立起來的招牌。
馬英九竟而拒絕國際的援助,親臨台灣採訪的CNN記者約翰.沃斯覺得不可思議,只能說馬「太驕傲」。美國記者太善良而不知「馬統」的邪惡;「馬統」拒絕國 際援助而且透過外交部公然發文的同一天,卻偷偷和中國密謀,接受中國的援助。美國記者絕對不可能想像台灣的民選總統會把天災人命當政治籌碼來買賣;不過, 沃斯的結語倒是不錯:「馬統」救災,「愈救愈糟」。
對國外媒體而言,或許「馬統」最「經典」的回答是公然把責任賴到滅族破家的災民身上,指控他們「死守家園」,所以活該倒楣?如果知道「馬統」說過「我把你 們當人看」的話,大約就見怪不怪了。即使如此,《紐約時報》仍然用象徵性極強的文字,捕捉到「馬統」最精采的片段,「當他…走進操場,憤怒的村民團團圍住 馬先生,指斥行政團隊動作太慢,無力營救還困在山上的災民;羞辱猛攻不已時,天空突然破了大洞,雨水傾盆而下,馬先生的衣服立刻黏在皮膚上,這一幕被電視 現場直播出去…」開麥拉頓時凝聚到罪魁禍首上,這不是「天厭之、天厭之」是什麼!
◎ 謝卿宏
如果媒體能以「八掌溪事件」時要求「扁政府」的標準與規格來檢驗「馬劉政府」,今天在電視畫面上哀嚎的人一定不會那麼多;如果多數新聞工作者能用追逐阿扁 是外國人阿公的幹勁來考驗馬的綠卡,馬劉政府一定會更謙卑;如果大家在馬英九競選諾言:「我準備好了」、「馬上會變好」與「六三三」跳票暨他睜眼說瞎話之 際,立即發揮監督的功能,救災的步調與規模一定會差很大。
即使媒體人因自身利益與政治、意識立場縱容馬政府的內政、外交、中國與經濟政策,但天災人禍可是不分藍綠!被驕縱慣了的馬劉政府的救災表現,正是媒體長期 偏頗的後遺症;如果媒體再縱容九流政府,如果大家就這麼容易被欺騙,如果大家還是一樣健忘,那麼,大家就再也沒有哭的權利!
〔國 際新聞中心、編譯盧永山/綜合十二日外電報導〕莫拉克颱風造成台灣半世紀來最嚴重的水患,豪雨成災的怵目驚心畫面,引起國際媒體普遍關注。其中,每節整點 新聞都以台灣災情及救災進度當做頭條的美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)就直言,台灣在救災方面表現得手忙腳亂。香港明報新聞網也說,馬政府每遇風災就歸咎於 氣象預報不準或地方治水不力,卻無任何官員下台,影響政府威信。
馬救災遭質疑 影響政府威信
台灣優社批馬 助中更勝台灣
另,大洛杉磯台灣會館日前發起賑災募款,前董事長Stone Yen抨擊:「馬英九總統只會在媒體前作秀,並未真正協助災民。」
台灣優社(Taiwan Elite Alliance)社長潘鞠慧也說,馬英九極度傾中,對中國的協助更勝於自己的國家。
SOL10328: Forcing a file system check on the next system reboot
Updated: 7/23/09 7:43 AM
The fsck utility is used to scan the file system for errors, and to correct those errors if possible. In order to correct errors, the file systems must be unmounted. Performing a file system check using the fsck utility can be a tedious manual process requiring the user to reboot the system to a minimal run level and then issue an fsck on each file system listed in the /etc/mtab file. This method requires direct access to the system in order to access and run the fsck utility.
A more convenient method is to force a file system check on the next system reboot. This method removes the tedious manual process, and allows the system to check all of the available file systems.
Important: F5 Networks recommends that you have direct access to the system during a forcefsck so that you are able to observe any errors or information that may be reported during the fsck process. While this method removes the manual process of specifying the various file systems, the system reboots into a minimal run level to perform the necessary tasks.
The following two methods can be used to force a file system check on the next reboot:
This method allows you to schedule a file system check at the next reboot by creating a blank file called forcefsck that resides in the / directory. When the system is rebooted, it will read this file and begin checking the file systems.
This method allows you to reboot the system immediately and perform a forced file system check using the shutdown command. When the command is issued, the system reboots and begins checking the file systems.
Creating a forcefsck file in the root directory
To create a forcefsck file in the root directory, perform the following procedure:
touch /forcefsck
Forcing a file system check using the shutdown command
Once the fsck has finished checking the file systems, the system will continue to boot normally into the proper run levels.
SOL7036: The Linux uptime counter wraps after 497 days
Known Issue
Updated: 7/21/09 11:05 AM
When the counter wraps, the following side effects may be observed:
SOL7071: SCCP kernel driver i2c read failure
SOL8087: SCCP kernel driver timer wrap may cause system component health misreadings (FirePass only)
SOL9679: The lacpd daemon stops sending LACP messages after 497 day linux uptime wraparound
SOL9683: The gtmd, tmm, or bcm56xxd daemons may crash after 497 day linux uptime wraparound
SOL10311: The performance graphs no longer display data after 497 day linux uptime wraparound
Note: These are the only known side effects of the uptime counter wrapping. The issues documented in these Solutions have been patched as noted therein. If you encounter issues that seem related but are not documented here, contact F5 Networks Technical Support.
You can work around most issues created by the wrapping of the uptime counter by rebooting the system. In some cases, further remedial steps may be necessary. Refer to the solutions above for specifics.
You can avoid this issue by rebooting the system prior to the 497 day counter wrap. To determine how long the system has been up, use the Linux uptime command. The uptime command produces output that appears similar to the following example:
19:52:48 up 20 days, 9:24, 1 user, load average: 0.09, 0.05, 0.11
SOL7727: A service check date that is earlier than the license check date now requires you to relicense the system before upgrading
Updated: 6/16/09 11:08 AM
The license check date is a static date built into the software for BIG-IP products versions 9.2 and later.
The following table contains the license check date for BIG-IP versions 9.2 and later, and Enterprise Manager versions 1.2 and later:
Product | Version | License Check Date |
Enterprise Manager | 1.2.0 | 2005-08-24 |
Enterprise Manager | 1.2.1 | 2006-10-02 |
Enterprise Manager | 1.2.1 | 2006-08-18 |
Enterprise Manager | 1.2.2 | 2006-08-18 |
Enterprise Manager | 1.4 | 2006-08-18 |
Enterprise Manager | 1.4.1 | 2007-08-18 |
Enterprise Manager | 1.6.0 | 2007-08-18 |
Enterprise Manager | 1.7.0 | 2006-10-02 |
BIG-IP | 9.2 - 9.2.5 | 2005-08-24 |
BIG-IP | 9.3.0 | 2007-03-23 |
BIG-IP | 9.3.1 | 2007-10-09 |
BIG-IP | 9.4 - 9.4.1 | 2006-10-02 |
BIG-IP | 9.4.2 - 9.4.3 | 2007-09-18 |
BIG-IP | 9.4.4 | 2007-12-07 |
BIG-IP | 9.4.5 | 2008-05-01 |
BIG-IP | 9.4.6 - 9.4.7 | 2008-09-15 |
BIG-IP | 9.6.0 - 9.6.1 | 2007-12-05 |
BIG-IP | 10.0.0 | 2009-01-02 |
BIG-IP | 10.0.1 | 2009-04-24 |
Note: For information about an early build of Enterprise Manager version 1.2.1 that contained an incorrect license check date, refer to SOL7613: Enterprise Manager systems licensed prior to October 2, 2006 require relicensing after an upgrade to version 1.2.1.
The service check date is located in the BIG-IP license and is the same as the date the license was last activated or the date the service contract for the device expires, whichever is earlier. For example, if you have an active service contract that ends on December 31, and you license a device on June 30, the service check date is set to June 30.
Note: The service check date in the BIG-IP license is updated each time the license is reactivated.
When you upgrade a system, the install script will verify the service check date with the license check date of the version being installed. If the service check date is missing or it is earlier than the license check date, the upgrade will not continue, and an error message similar to the following example is displayed:
An active service contract is required for the software you are attempting
to install. The license found for
does not contain a valid service check date for this software release.
If you have a current service contract, please re-activate your product
license and resume installation. If you do not have an active service
contract, please contact F5 Sales. Cannot proceed with changes to this
product image.
The license check date enforcement also applies during system startup. The system compares the license check date to the service check date in the license file. If the service check date is earlier than the license check date, the system will initialize but the configuration will not be loaded. To allow the configuration to load, you must update the service check date in the license file by re-activating the system's license.
Important: For devices managed with Enterprise Manager version 1.4 and later, the Enterprise Manager will verify the license check date and the service check date before upgrading a managed system. If required, the Enterprise Manager will attempt to re-activate the system's license before performing the upgrade. For more information, refer to SOL7702: Upgrades using Enterprise Manager will verify service check date and attempt to reactivate system license if required.
You can prevent upgrade issues by relicensing your system before performing the upgrade, or recovering a system that fails to initialize by relicensing your system after performing the upgrade. To do so, complete the following two procedures:
Verifying the service check date of your license
To verify the service check date in your system's license, perform the following procedure:
If the value in the Licensed Date field is earlier than the license check date, you must reactivate the system's license before upgrading.
Reactivating the system license
To reactivate a system's license, perform the following procedure:
Note: If your system does not have internet access to the F5 Networks license server, you must select Manual.
Note: Be sure to log in as the admin user to re-license the system. For more information, refer to SOL9965: The admin user account must be used to license the system.
SOL4423: Overview of UCS archives
Updated: 9/24/08 2:17 PM
Important: In addition to user accounts, passwords, and critical system files, the UCS archive contains the SSL private keys that are used with your SSL proxies. You must store backup UCS archives in an environment that is as secure as where you store your private keys.
Note: For more information about the specific files that are contained in a UCS archive and instructions about how to modify those files, refer to SOL4422: Viewing and modifying the files that are configured for inclusion in a UCS archive.
You can create a UCS archive at any time using the Configuration utility or the command line.
Configuration utility
To create a UCS archive from the Configuration utility, perform the following steps:
From the Configuration utility, click System.
Click Archives.
The Archives page displays.
From the Archives page, click the Create button.
In the File Name field, type a name for the file.
Note: You can supply a path for the file, but if you do, the file will not appear in the Archive List. Only files stored in the default UCS path, /var/local/ucs, will appear in the Archive List.
Select Enabled from the Encryption dropdown menu only if you want to encrypt the UCS archive file.
Note: If you enable encryption, you will need to type a passphrase for the encrypted UCS archive file. This passphrase will be required in order to restore using the encrypted UCS archive.
Click the Finished button.
A status screen displays.
Click the OK button.
Command line
To create a UCS archive from the command line, use the following command syntax:
bigpipe config save
To create an encrypted UCS archive from the command line, use the following command syntax:
bigpipe config save
You can restore a configuration that is contained in a UCS archive using the Configuration utility or the command line.
Configuration utility
To restore a configuration in a UCS archive using the Configuration utility, perform the following steps:
From the Configuration utility, click System.
Click Archives.
The Archives page displays.
From the Archive List, click the name of the UCS archive from which you want to restore.
Note: If the UCS archive is encrypted, you will need to type the passphrase for the encrypted UCS archive file in the Restore Passphrase field.
Click the Restore button.
A status screen displays.
Click the OK button.
Command line
To restore a configuration in a UCS archive from the command line, use the following command syntax:
bigpipe config install
Note: If the UCS archive file specified was encrypted, you will be prompted to enter the passphrase for the archive file.
For more information about backing up and restoring your configuration using a UCS archive, see SOL3499: Backing up and restoring BIG-IP LTM, GTM, Link Controller, or ASM configuration files..
Note: For encrypted UCS archive files, refer to SOL8465: Viewing and extracting the contents of an ecrypted UCS archive file.
To view the files that are saved in a UCS archive, use the following command syntax:
tar -ztf
This will provide a list of all the files included in the UCS archive.
Note: For encrypted UCS archive files, refer to SOL8465: Viewing and extracting the contents of an ecrypted UCS archive file.
You can extract the files from a UCS archive without overwriting your existing configuration by using one of the following processes:
Extracting all UCS archive files
To extract all files from a UCS archive, perform the following steps:
Create a new directory within the /var/tmp directory, using the following command syntax:
mkdir /var/tmp/
Copy the UCS archive into the new directory using the following command syntax:
Change directories to the new directory using the following command syntax:
cd /var/tmp/
Extract the files from the UCS archive using the following command syntax:
tar -zxf
This command will extract the files and put them in the current directory. It will create subdirectories to match the directories in which the configuration files are normally stored. For example, a config directory will be created and will contain all the files that are normally contained in the /config directory.
Extracting a single UCS archive file
To extract a single file from a UCS archive, perform the following steps:
Create a new directory within the /var/tmp directory using the following command syntax:
mkdir /var/tmp/
Copy the UCS archive into the new directory using the following command syntax:
Change directories to the new directory using the following command syntax:
cd /var/tmp/
Extract the desired file from the UCS archive, using the following command syntax:
tar -zxf
For example, to retrieve the file bigip.conf you must specify the config directory, but not the root directory.
For example:
tar -zxf myconfig.ucs config/bigip.conf
This command will extract the files and put them in the current directory. It will create a subdirectory to match the directory in which the configuration file is normally stored. For example, if you extract config/bigip.conf, a config directory will be created.
Viewing the contents of a file contained in a UCS archive
Note: For encrypted UCS archive files, refer to SOL8465: Viewing and extracting the contents of an ecrypted UCS archive file.
To view a single file from a UCS archive on a terminal screen (standard output), perform the following steps:
Extract the desired file from the UCS archive to standard output using the following command syntax:
Note: The third character in the flags list is a capital letter "O".
tar -zxOf
For example, to view the file bigip.conf you must specify the config directory, but not the root directory, as follows:
tar -zxOf myconfig.ucs config/bigip.conf
Note: It is possible to use wildcards, for example config/bigip.*, to display multiple files from an archive.
Warning: Some files contained in a UCS archive are binary files which will not display correctly to standard output.
SOL10245: BIG-IP UCS installation and licensing behavior
Updated: 7/30/09 2:23 PM
A user configuration set (UCS) is an archive of configuration files contained on a BIG-IP system, including the system license.
Note: For more information about the contents of a UCS file, refer to SOL4423: Overview of UCS archives.
When you use the bigpipe config save command to save the BIG-IP system configuration to a UCS file, the system also saves the existing license to the UCS file. When you use the bigpipe config install command to restore the UCS file on the BIG-IP system, the UCS installer uses the following logic to determine whether to install the license from the UCS file, or retain the system's existing license file:
Select the service check date in both bigip.license files for the following conditions:
Note: For more information about the license check date, refer to SOL7727: A service check date that is earlier than the license check date now requires you to relicense the system before upgrading.
Note: For more information about saving and restoring BIG-IP configurations, refer to SOL3499: Backing up and restoring BIG-IP LTM, ASM, GTM, Link Controller, or WebAccelerator configuration files.
*Top 10 Solutions for July*
1. SOL8035: Overview of BIG-IP daemons https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/8000/000/sol8035.html
2. SOL5527: Configuring the BIG-IP system to log to a remote syslog server https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/5000/500/sol5527.html
3. SOL3499: Backing up and restoring BIG-IP LTM, ASM, GTM, Link Controller, or WebAccelerator configuration files https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/3000/400/sol3499.html
4. SOL3667: Configuring SNMP trap alerts to send email notifications https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/3000/600/sol3667.html
5. SOL7024: Overview of the configsync process https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/7000/000/sol7024.html
6. SOL2486: Providing files to F5 Networks Technical Support https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/2000/400/sol2486.html
7. SOL4707: Choosing a profile for HTTP traffic https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/4000/700/sol4707.html
8. SOL9447: Choosing an installation method https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/9000/400/sol9447.html
9. SOL7595: Overview of IP forwarding virtual servers https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/7000/500/sol7595.html
10. SOL3350: Changing account passwords for the command line and Configuration utility https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/3000/300/sol3350.html
*FirePass hotfix released*
FirePass has releases cumulative HF-602-11 for FirePass version 6.0.2. For more information, refer to the following location:
F5 Networks Downloads site:
*Added and updated documents from 7/26 through 8/01*
BIG-IP - New
SOL10366: BIND vulnerability - CVE-2009-0696 https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/10000/300/sol10366.html
SOL10352: Qkview may not collect all necessary BIG-IP WebAccelerator log files https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/10000/300/sol10352.html
SOL10350: Deleting the dynamic parameter does not delete the corresponding extraction object https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/10000/300/sol10350.html
SOL10348: A large client-side TCP window scale factor may cause data re-segmentation https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/10000/300/sol10348.html
SOL10347: LACP trunk may be created with actor key value set to 0 https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/10000/300/sol10347.html
SOL10344: The BIG-IP GTM system logs an error message for a default gateway pool in another datacenter https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/10000/300/sol10344.html
SOL10343: A virtual server configured with a FastL4 profile and no available pool members will not send a reset packet https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/10000/300/sol10343.html
SOL10340: A BIG-IP GTM user with the Operator role cannot enable or disable BIG-IP GTM pool members https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/10000/300/sol10340.html
SOL10338: The command prompt changes to ?Active? after loading larger BIG-IP GTM configurations https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/10000/300/sol10338.html
SOL10337: Simultaneously changing the BIG-IP GTM monitor's timeout and interval values results in the host status changing to a down state https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/10000/300/sol10337.html
SOL10336: The pvad process may crash when attempting to add a pool and node at the same time https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/10000/300/sol10336.html
SOL10334: The BIG-IP GTM object status changes may not immediately reflect in the Configuration utility https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/10000/300/sol10334.html
SOL10332: Remote syslog entries are not correctly imported during an upgrade https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/10000/300/sol10332.html
SOL10331: Configuring the big3d agent to listen on all self IP addresses on a VLAN https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/10000/300/sol10331.html
SOL10321: The BIG-IP system sends duplicate traps when Agent Authentication is enabled https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/10000/300/sol10321.html
SOL10319: Using the tcpdump utility disables hardware checksum offloading https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/10000/300/sol10319.html
SOL10318: Cache-Control headers may still be modified when the client cache policy is set to 'Do not change'
SOL10312: Events contained in a UCS archive may cause configsync operations to fail https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/10000/300/sol10312.html
SOL10296: Error Message: The vlan for self IP must be one of the vlans in the associated route-domain https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/10000/200/sol10296.html
SOL10281: The persist none iRule command does not disable cookie persistence for the connection when used with the LB::reselect command https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/10000/200/sol10281.html
SOL10245: BIG-IP UCS installation and licensing behavior https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/10000/200/sol10245.html
BIG-IP - Updated
SOL10288: Supported product module combinations by platform https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/10000/200/sol10288.html
SOL10258: ZebOS integration changes starting in BIG-IP version 9.4.4 https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/10000/200/sol10258.html
SOL10167: Overview of the ClientSSL profile https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/10000/100/sol10167.html
SOL10111: The BIG-IP WebAccelerator corrupts the Cache-Control header under certain conditions https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/10000/100/sol10111.html
SOL10025: Managing F5 Networks product hotfixes for BIG-IP version 10.x systems https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/10000/000/sol10025.html
SOL9858: Deleting a node address using iControl may cause pvad to core https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/9000/800/sol9858.html
SOL9812: Overview of BIG-IP TCP RST behavior https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/9000/800/sol9812.html
SOL9476: The F5 Networks hardware / software compatibility matrix https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/9000/400/sol9476.html
SOL9143: The Linux IP routing policy rule for route lookups on the management port is missing https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/9000/100/sol9143.html
SOL9085: The BIG-IP GTM uses an internal database to provide geolocation maps for topology load balancing https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/9000/000/sol9085.html
SOL8994: The BIG-IP GTM HTTP monitor fails when the server response uses HTTP Keep-Alive headers https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/8000/900/sol8994.html
SOL8989: The SSL certificate expiration date is displayed incorrectly in the Configuration utility https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/8000/900/sol8989.html
SOL8968: Enabling persistence for a virtual server bypasses load balancing https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/8000/900/sol8968.html
SOL8966: A corrupt MySQL password prevents the Configuration utility from loading https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/8000/900/sol8966.html\
SOL8940: The BIG-IP system processes traffic for virtual servers after disabling the virtual address https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/8000/900/sol8940.html
SOL8928: VIPRION compression licensing levels https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/8000/900/sol8928.html
SOL8927: The BIG-IP system fails to send a TCP window update when interacting with certain TCP/IP stacks https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/8000/900/sol8927.html
SOL8517: Enabling attack signatures that were not triggered during the staging process https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/8000/500/sol8517.html
SOL8439: Configuring local host name resolution for BIG-IP version 9.4.2 and later https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/8000/400/sol8439.html
SOL8254: Support for the OSPF routing protocol in BIG-IP LTM high availability pairs https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/8000/200/sol8254.html
SOL7922: Overview of BIG-IP ASM HTTP response code filtering https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/7000/900/sol7922.html
SOL7747: SSL Transactions performance graph and TPS licensing rate limit reached log messages https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/7000/700/sol7747.html
SOL7233: Change in Behavior: The BIG-IP ASM UCS no longer contains Forensic and Events data https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/7000/200/sol7233.html
SOL7225: Overview of the BIG-IP LTM mirroring transport protocol https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/7000/200/sol7225.html
SOL7222: Overview of connection and persistence mirroring https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/7000/200/sol7222.html
SOL6768: Restricting Configuration utility access to SSL clients that are 128 bits or higher https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/6000/700/sol6768.html
SOL6767: Overview of the BIG-IP LTM SSL session cache https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/6000/700/sol6767.html
SOL6475: Error message: 'SSL transaction (TPS) rate limit reached' or 'no SSL TPS or run out'
SOL6401: Configuring the BIG-IP to use an intermediate or chain certificate with a clientssl profile https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/6000/400/sol6401.html
SOL6008: Change in Behavior: The BIG-IP system can be configured to execute commands or scripts upon failover https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/6000/000/sol6008.html
SOL1858: Overview of the qkview utility
FirePass - New
SOL10357: Configuring RSA SecurID Authentication on a FirePass standalone controller https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/10000/300/sol10357.html
SOL10351: The BIG-IP WebAccelerator logs a benign warning message when it receives a request containing a Proxy-Connection header https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/10000/300/sol10351.html
SOL10329: The Java console reports a 'load: class com.citrix.JICA not found' error when attempting to connect to a Java-based Citrix MetaFrame Terminal Server favorite https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/10000/300/sol10329.html
SOL10327: Overview of FirePass version 6.0.3 cumulative HF-603-4 https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/10000/300/sol10327.html
SOL10322: FirePass hotfix matrix
FirePass - Updated
SOL10259: The session variable session.os.platform is incorrectly set to Undefined for new browsers https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/10000/200/sol10259.html
SOL10253: Processor change for the FirePass 4100 platform https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/10000/200/sol10253.html
SOL10222: The RSA Authentication field is pre-populated with existing credentials when using the VPN standalone client https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/10000/200/sol10222.html
SOL10220: The password expiration warning may not display if the gPLink attribute contains multiple Group Policy Objects https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/10000/200/sol10220.html
SOL10197: Passive FTP fails through Static Application Tunnels after installing cumulative hotfix HF-603-2.1 or HF-603-3 https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/10000/100/sol10197.html
SOL10184: Network Access session disconnects when using Safari https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/10000/100/sol10184.html
SOL10009: FirePass 1000 and 1200 series controllers do not support clustering https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/10000/000/sol10009.html
SOL9778: Archived logs are not sent to the configured email address https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/9000/700/sol9778.html
SOL9153: Secondary cluster nodes may become intermittently unresponsive when the Automatically add websites that require client side cookie manipulation setting is enabled https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/9000/100/sol9153.html
SOL8702: Citrix resources fail to launch through Portal Access when the FirePass URL is in the Trusted Sites list of Internet Explorer https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/8000/700/sol8702.html
SOL8597: Overview of concurrent session limits https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/8000/500/sol8597.html
Enterprise Manager - New
SOL10349: Enterprise Manager may require network access to the following F5 Networks hosts: activate.f5.com, callhome.f5.com, and drop.f5.com https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/10000/300/sol10349.html
Release Note: Enterprise Manager version 1.8 https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/products/em/releasenotes/product/relnotes_1_8_em.html
Manual: Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide 1.8 https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/products/em/manuals/product/Enterprise_Manager_AdminGuide_1_8.html
Enterprise Manager - Updated
SOL6556: Enterprise Manager software support policy https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/6000/500/sol6556.html
ARX - New
SOL10355: A share remains offline after a Windows cluster failover https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/10000/300/sol10355.html
SOL10307: Editing an export after using the browser's Back button will cause the ARX Manager GUI to dump core https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/10000/300/sol10307.html
ARX - Updated
SOL10157: A drain share rule may result in omTransactionRaise traps being logged https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/10000/100/sol10157.html
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SOL6845: Managing F5 Networks product hotfixes for BIG-IP version 9.x systems
Updated: 8/3/09 10:47 AM
This Solution describes how to manage hotfixes for BIG-IP version 9.x systems.
Note: Managing BIG-IP hotfixes has changed in BIG-IP version 10.x. For information about installing version 10.x hotfixes on systems with a logical volume management (LVM) disk-formatting scheme, refer to SOL10025: Managing F5 Networks product hotfixes for BIG-IP version 10.x systems. For information about installing BIG-IP version 10.x hotfixes on partitioned systems, refer to SOL9819: Installing a BIG-IP version 10.x hotfix on a partitioned system.
Important: F5 Networks recommends that you install hotfixes using a serial console or SSH connection to the management port IP address. The hotfix installation script may restart the TMM process, which will terminate all connectivity to the BIG-IP self IP addresses. If the hotfix is installed when connected to a self IP address, you may leave the BIG-IP system in an inaccessible state.
Important: For hotfixes containing an update which requires a loss of SSH connectivity to the management IP address, the hotfix should only be installed using the serial console. For information about installation requirements, refer to the associated hotfix readme note.
The functionality provided for managing hotfixes includes the following:
Every time a cumulative hotfix is produced, all packages from previously-generated hotfixes for that product on that branch are automatically included in the cumulative hotfix. The most recently created hotfix for each product contains all previously-issued hotfixes for that product.
Each cumulative hotfix has a version number. You can use the bigpipe version command to display the version of the cumulative hotfix installed on the system. Also, the hotfix installation manager (IM) packages are named using the hotfix version.
You can use the hotfix uninstall installation manager (IM) package to remove all hotfixes from a system. This process brings the system back to the base version installed on the system.
Note: The hotfix uninstall functionality was added to the BIG-IP version 9.3 software branch, version 9.4 software branch and version 9.1.2 of the 9.1 software branch.
Important: The hotfix uninstall functionality is not supported in the BIG-IP version 9.2 software branch.
Before you install or uninstall a hotfix, you must save your BIG-IP version 9.x configuration data. Backing up your configuration prevents loss of data if, for any reason, the hotfix installation or uninstallation is not successful.
You can collect and archive the BIG-IP version 9.x configuration files by typing the following command from the BIG-IP system command line:
bigpipe config save /config.ucs
Important: It is critical that you back up the archived configuration files to a remote location. In the event this process fails, you may need to use the remotely-stored file in order to restore your BIG-IP version 9.x configuration data.
After you save the existing configuration, download the hotfix files from the F5 Networks Downloads site. There are three types of files for each hotfix:
Each hotfix has two IM files: one IM file for installing the hotfix, and one IM file for removing all hotfixes installed.
Each IM file has a corresponding MD5 file for checking the integrity of the IM files.
Each IM file has a corresponding Hotfix Release Note / README file. You should always read the Hotfix Release Note / README files before you install a hotfix. This file contain important notes about each particular hotfix installation and uninstallation file.
Note: Starting in BIG-IP versions 9.3 and 9.4.1, the README file name was changed to Hotfix Release Note.
Important: Always read the Hotfix Release Note / README files and follow hotfix instructions for each specific hotfix. These instructions may include critical tasks, including rebooting the host, the SCCP or both.
For information about downloading files from the F5 Networks Downloads site, refer to SOL167: Downloading software from F5 Networks.
Download the following files for the hotfix you want to install:
Download the hotfix installation and uninstallation IM packages:
This file is the hotfix installation IM file. The 9.x.x part of the file name denotes the software version, the HFyy part of the file is the cumulative hotfix number.
This file is the hotfix uninstallation IM file. The 9.x.x part of the file name denotes the software version, the HFyy part of the file is the cumulative hotfix number.
Download the corresponding MD5 files:
This file is the hotfix installation MD5 file. The 9.x.x part of the file name denotes the software version, the HFyy part of the file is the cumulative hotfix number.
This file is the hotfix uninstallation MD5 file. The 9.x.x part of the file name denotes the software version, the HFyy part of the file is the cumulative hotfix number.
Note: For information about transferring files to the BIG-IP system, refer to SOL175: Transferring files to or from an F5 Networks system.
After you download the hotfix files and the matching MD5 checksum files, and before you perform the installation, we recommend you test the integrity of each file to ensure file quality. To run the test, type the following command, where Hotfix-BIG-IP-9.x.x-HFyy.im is the name of the upgrade file you downloaded:
md5sum Hotfix-BIG-IP-9.x.x-HFyy.im
cat Hotfix-BIG-IP-9.x.x-HFyy.md5
The two MD5 hash values should be identical. Ensure the output matches the contents of the corresponding MD5 file. If the output matches, install the file; if the output does not match, download the file again and repeat the process.
Before you install a cumulative hotfix, you must first consider whether the system has a hard drive or a CompactFlash media drive.
Hard drive installation
Systems with hard drives typically have enough disk space to download the hotfix file directly to the hard drive and perform the installation. For hard drive installations, refer to the Installing a hotfix on a system with a hard drive section.
CompactFlash media drive installation
Systems with only CompactFlash media drives typically do not have enough space to download and install the hotfix file. In this case, you must create a memory file system to accommodate the hotfix file. For CompactFlash media drive installation, refer to Installing the hotfix on systems with CompactFlash media drives.
Installing a hotfix on a system with a hard drive
After you have downloaded the files to the hard drive on the system and checked their integrity using the MD5 files, you can install the hotfix by typing the following command, where Hotfix-BIG-IP-9.x.x-HFyy.im is the name of the hotfix installation IM file:
im Hotfix-BIG-IP-9.x.x-HFyy.im
Installing the hotfix on systems with CompactFlash media drives
Note: Before installing the hotfix on systems with CompactFlash media drives, it is recommended to first uninstall any previous hotfix installation. For information about uninstalling previous hotfix installations, refer to the uninstalling hotfixes on systems with CompactFlash media drives section.
To install the hotfix on systems with CompactFlash media drives, perform the following procedure:
From the BIG-IP command line, create a memory file system by typing the following command:
mkdir /var/ramfs
Mount the directory by typing the following command:
mount -t ramfs none /var/ramfs
Change directories to the /var/ramfs directory by typing the following command:
cd /var/ramfs
Copy the Hotfix-BIG-IP-9.x.x-HFyy.im file from the location where you downloaded the file,
scp root@:/
/Hotfix-BIG-IP-9.x.x-HFyy.im /var/ramfs/Hotfix-BIG-IP-9.x.x-HFyy.im
Install this hotfix by typing the following command:
im /var/ramfs/Hotfix-BIG-IP-9.x.x-HFyy.im
Reboot the system by typing the following command:
Important: After you install the hotfix, for the system to function properly, you must type the /usr/bin/full_box_reboot command to reboot the system.
For BIG-IP platforms containing a Switch Card Control Processor (SCCP), such as the 1500, 3400, 4100, 6400, 6800 and 8400 platforms, a full system reboot including the SCCP must be performed. Follow the instructions provided in the Hotfix Release Note / README file to reboot the system.
Important: If you want to uninstall the hotfix using the hotfix uninstall IM file, be aware that all previous hotfixes installed on the system will be removed by this process. After you complete the uninstall process, the system returns to the base version of the product with all previously installed hotfixes removed.
Before you uninstall a cumulative hotfix, you must first consider whether the system has a hard drive or a CompactFlash media drive.
Systems with hard drives typically have enough disk space to download the hotfix file directly to the hard drive and perform the uninstallation. For hard drive uninstallations, refer to Uninstalling hotfixes on a system with a hard drive.
System with CompactFlash media drives typically do not have enough space to download and run the hotfix uninstallation file. In this case, you must create a memory file system to accommodate the hotfix uninstallation file. For CompactFlash media drive uninstallation refer to Uninstalling the hotfix on systems with CompactFlash media drives.
Uninstalling hotfixes on systems with hard drives
After you download the files to the hard drive on the system and check their integrity using the MD5 files, you can uninstall the hotfix by typing the following command, where HotfixUninstall-BIG-IP-9.x.x-HFyy.im is the name of the hotfix uninstallation IM file.
im HotfixUninstall-BIG-IP-9.x.x-HFyy.im
Uninstalling hotfixes on systems with CompactFlash media drives
To uninstall hotfixes on systems with CompactFlash media drives, perform the following procedure:
From the BIG-IP command line, create a memory file system by typing the following command:
mkdir /var/ramfs
Mount the directory by typing the following command:
mount -t ramfs none /var/ramfs
Change directories to the /var/ramfs directory by typing the following command:
cd /var/ramfs
Copy the HotfixUninstall-BIG-IP-9.x.x-HFyy.im file from the location where you downloaded the file,
scp root@:/
/Hotfix-BIG-IP-9.x.x-HFyy.im /var/ramfs/Hotfix-BIG-IP-9.x.x-HFyy.im
Install this hotfix by typing the following command:
im /var/ramfs/HotfixUninstall-BIG-IP-9.x.x-HFyy.im
Reboot the system by typing the following command:
Important: After you install the hotfix, for the system to function properly with the hotfix, you must reboot the system.
For BIG-IP platforms containing a Switch Card Control Processor (SCCP), such as the 1500, 3400, 4100, 6400, 6800 and 8400 platforms, a full system reboot including the SCCP must be performed. Follow the instruction provided in the Hotfix Release Note / README file to reboot the system.
You can verify the hotfix version running on a system using the bigpipe version command. The Product version number itself is not changed by installing a hotfix. You can identify which hotfix version is installed on the system by the version indicated in the Hotfix Version line of the bigpipe version command output. For example, to obtain information about the hotfix version installed on your system, type bigpipe version in the command line. Output similar to the following indicates the system is running hotfix version 3, or HF3:
Linux 2.4.21-
BIG-IP Version 9.1.2 15.4
Hotfix Version HF3