
2012年6月8日 星期五

Cisco IOS exec-timeout vs. session-timeout

exec-timeout vs. session-timeout


imagine the following topology


Let's say you open telnet connection from PC to R2 and log into exec shell (usually this is the default). If you leave your shell inactive for the period of "exec-timeout" configured on R2 VTYs, then R2 will close you exec session and terminate telnet connection.

Now imagine you telnet from PC to R2 and then to R3. At this moment, if you leave your shell idle on R3, one of the following will happen. Either "exec-timeout" configured on R3 expires, and R3 teminates your shell OR "session-timeout" configured on R2 VTY lines expires and R2 closes your outgoing connection. This depends on which timeout has smaller  value.

Keep in mind, "session-timeout" is for sessions originated out from this VTY, while "exec-timeout" is for EXEC sessions started when someone logs into this VTY.
