LACP IEEE 802.3ad
PAgP Cisco property
主動式 desirable
被動式 auto
主動式 active
被動式 passive
而on用法不是很確定, Cisco官方網站是這樣解釋:
Forces the interface into an EtherChannel without PAgP or LACP. With the on mode, a usable EtherChannel exists only when an interface group in the on mode is connected to another interface group in the on mode.
看起來是兩方都是on時就能建立起來, 但是用何種protocol ? 不詳!
由於每一connection的packet(其實應該用frame的字眼才對)並非平均分散在EtherChannel線路上, 因此要懂得依架構去設定:by source mac, by destination mac, by source/destination mac, by source ip, by destination ip, by source/destination ip, by source port, by destination port, by source/destination port
1.許多的host往同一Server連線, 此時host端 switch因使用by source mac or by source ip, 而server端 switch因使用by destination mac or by destination ip
2.Server與NAS連線, NAS需有多個MAC or 多個IP,然後再來調整設定(如仿照上式)
show etherchannel summary
show etherchannel 1 port-channel
show int port-channel 1
show int (從這裡看不動實體介面歸屬於哪一個etherchannel, 必須靠description彌補)
當堆疊的cisco switch, 自己要跨switch去與對方switch建etherchannel時, 只能用LACP
F5 trunk與Cisco LACP (不管是35xx, 4500x (VSS), Nexus)都可以建立起來.