
2009年6月26日 星期五

2009.6.26 IOS kron occurrence


kron occurrence ClearTcpTcbSchedule at 4:00 recurring
policy-list ClearTcp

kron policy-list ClearTcp
cli terminal monitor
cli debug kron all
cli clear tcp tcb *
cli u all

此例子為每天04:00時,會去執行clear tcp tcb *的指令


kron occurrence

To specify schedule parameters for a Command Scheduler occurrence and enter kron-occurrence configuration mode, use the kron occurrence command in global configuration mode. To delete a Command Scheduler occurrence, use the no form of this command.

kron occurrence occurrence-name [user username] {in [[numdays:] numhours:] nummin | at hours:min [[month] day-of-month] [day-of-week]} {oneshot | recurring | system-startup}

no kron occurrence occurrence-name [user username] {in [[numdays:] numhours:] nummin | at hours:min [[month] day-of-month] [day-of-week]} {oneshot | recurring | system-startup}


The following example shows how to create a Command Scheduler occurrence named info-three and schedule it to run every three days, 10 hours, and 50 minutes. The EXEC CLI in the policy named three-day-list is configured to run as part of occurrence info-three.

Router(config)# kron occurrence info-three user IT2 in 3:10:50 recurring
Router(config-kron-occurrence)# policy-list three-day-list

The following example shows how to create a Command Scheduler occurrence named auto-mkt and schedule it to run once on June 4 at 5:30 a.m. The EXEC CLI in the policies named mkt-list and mkt-list2 are configured to run as part of occurrence auto-mkt.

Router(config)# kron occurrence auto-mkt user marketing at 5:30 jun 4 oneshot
Router(config-kron-occurrence)# policy-list mkt-list
Router(config-kron-occurrence)# policy-list mkt-list2


kron policy-list

To specify a name for a Command Scheduler policy and enter kron-policy configuration mode, use the kron policy-list command in global configuration mode. To delete the policy list, use the no form of this command.

kron policy-list list-name

no kron policy-list list-name

Syntax Description


String from 1 to 31 characters that specifies the name of the policy.


The following example shows how to create a policy named sales-may and configure EXEC CLI commands to run the CNS command that retrieves an image from a server:

Router(config)# kron policy-list sales-may
Router(config-kron-policy)# cli cns image retrieve server status
