
2012年8月5日 星期日

2012.8.5 去環球RV敗了Thule Motion 200 車頂行李箱及一批貨


1.          Thule Motion 200 車頂行李箱
家裡本來是用另一款台灣製的行李箱, 與褓姆家輪流用.
因嫌容量小, 且安裝麻煩, 每裝一次就滿身大汗, 夫妻就會吵架一次.
本來要挑YAKIMA RocketBox Pro 16S, 後來還是退縮.
還是挑了Thule這一款Atlantis 200的後一代Motion 200, 雙開, Power-Grip, 我挑銀色的. 當場在安裝時, 就讓我快意許多, 不用十分鐘就裝好了, 真是讓我太高興了, Thule這組就是對的啦!
l   Optimised design for best space efficiency.
l   Pre-installed Power-Click quick mounting system with integrated torque indicator for easy and secure fixation with a single-handed grip.
l   This roofbox can be opened from both sides, for convenient & safe fitting, loading and unloading.
l   For maximum safety and theft protection this roofbox has several locking points, and the grip-friendly key cannot be removed unless they are all securely closed.
l   The patented Dual-Force spring system and outside handles guarantee a convenient opening and closing of the box.
l   Designed for having a forwarded position on the car roof. enabling full access to the boot without interference with the roofbox
l   Max number of Skis that can be fit inside - 5-7.
l   Max number of Snowboards that can be fit inside - 4-5.
l   Max Length of Skis - 155cm.
l   Volume: 450ltrs.
l   External Size: Length 175cm x Width 86cm x Height 46cm.
l   Load Capicity: 75kg
l   Weight: 18kg.
2.          UNRV兩人座對對倚
女王喜歡的, 就買兩組
3.          多功能野營架
4.          CAPTAIN STAG 鋁桌(M-3768)
本來就有ㄧ組折疊桌, 想再多一張桌子, 在現場看到就買了
5.          小咖啡壺

項目一是原本計畫中要買的, 其他四項是被現場的展示品吸引到而另外買的!


